Politécnica de Madrid

Engineering for Structures, Foundations and Materials

Official Degree Engineering for Structures, Foundations and Materials
Web http://www1.caminos.upm.es/muiecm/
Area Civil Engineering, Energy Sustainability and Environment
Modality On-campus education
Credits 60 ECTS
Languages Spanish , English
Orientation Academia Research
Places 100
Contact Javier San Felipe
+34 9106 74079

The Master of Engineering in Structures, Foundations and Materials has as a main goal training of high-level scientific and technical experts in the fields of structural engineering, heotechnics and structural materials.

The master program comprises 60 ECTS (1 year at full time, although part-time is also possible). It includes the following modules:

  1. Module of Specific scientific-technical training (1st semester), of 22.5 ECTS, to deep and widen the fundamentals of structural mechanics (7.5 ECTS), foundations (7.5 ECTS) and materials (7.5 ECTS). 
  2. Module of Research + Development + innovation Training (1st semester), of 7.5 ECTS, which provides tools and methods for programiming, numerical simulation, instrumentation and relaibility. 
  3. Module of Specialized Training and Research (2nd semester), of 15 ECTS, which can be followed in one of the three offered training tracks: 1) design of structures, its foundations and materials, 2), Simulation and modeling of structures, foundations and materials, 3) Maintenance and retrofitting of structures, its foundations and materials.
  4. Module of Semnars and other Activities, which consists of a course on Introduction to the Master's theis (1.5 ECTS, 2nd semester) and the sub-module of seminars, mobility and other activities (1.5 ECTS, 2nd semester).
  5. Master's Thesis (2nd semester, 12 ECTS).
  6. Optional seminars (3 credits). 
  7. Seminar for introduction to Master thesis (3 credits). 
  8. Master thesis (15 credits). 

Admission requires a university degree in civil engineering or similar fields (mechanical, architecture, aerospace...) with a total duration of at least 240 credits ECTS (equivalent to 4 years full-time studies).

Interuniversity No